Delivery and Download:

Upon receipt of your order for our industry-specific data “solutions,” you will both be able to download the solution(s) immediately and receive an email from us with instructions and links to download the product. Please note that the email may be received in your junk box, so please check there if you do not see it in your inbox. If you are prompted to begin your download immediately, your completion of the download will constitute delivery to you of the solution(s) you purchased.

If you receive an email from us with instructions to complete your download, the receipt by you of the email will constitute delivery by us to you of the solution(s) you purchased.

Refund and Credit Policy:

Due to the nature of our digital content, we generally do not offer refunds or credits for purchased industry-specific data “solutions” unless required under Egyptian consumer law or other relevant consumer protection laws, or if we have made changes to our policy that materially affect you to your detriment.

However, we will assess refund or credit requests on their merits. If you would like to request a refund or credit, please open a help request within 5 days of your order date. We reserve the right to deny a refund or credit request if it falls under any of the following circumstances:

  • You have changed your mind about the solution(s).
  • You purchased by mistake.
  • You do not have sufficient expertise to use the solution(s) made available.
  • You ask for goodwill.
  • You can no longer access any of your desired solution(s) because they have been removed from our repository (we advise you to download the solutions as soon as you license them to avoid this situation).

If we approve a refund or credit request, we will generally issue the refund or credit using the same payment method used to make the purchase. Any payment made to you will be made in the currency offered to you when you purchased the solution(s), under the rules of the payment method.

Dispute Resolution:

If you have any concerns or issues with your purchase, please contact us directly at to see if we can help resolve any concerns before lodging a dispute with a payment agent. If you do lodge a dispute with a payment agent, it may result in a freezing of your account until the dispute is resolved, making it complex to address any related issues.

Download Issues:

If you are unable to download the industry-specific data “solutions” you purchased or you do not receive an email from us with instructions and links to complete your download, please contact us within 5 days from the date of your order. Please check your junk box before contacting us. If you do not contact us within 5 days from the date of your order, the solution(s) you purchased will be considered received, downloaded, and delivered to you.

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